2018/02/08 Exclusive Winevox seminar with Eric Asimov of the New York Times
Winevox was delighted to welcome to Bordeaux today Eric Asimov, wine writer of the New York Times to host a seminar about the US wine market. Plenty of topics were…
Winevox was delighted to welcome to Bordeaux today Eric Asimov, wine writer of the New York Times to host a seminar about the US wine market. Plenty of topics were…
Winevox was delighted to welcome to Bordeaux today Eric Asimov, wine writer of the New York Times to host a seminar about the US wine market. Plenty of topics were…
Winevox worked with Hamptons Cottages & Gardens Magazine for the opening of the new offices of Landscape Details. One of the rosé wine sponsors was Chateau de La Château de…
Registration is now open for the WSET Level 3 Award in Wine The class will take place in Bordeaux on 11, 12, 18, 19 and 29 MayTaught by Master of…
Our next session of WSET Level 2 will take place in Bordeaux on 9, 10 and 13 February 2017Session in English taught by Minette Constant, Master of Wine
Winevox is organising the next session of WSET Level 2 on 1st, 2nd and 5th December in Bordeaux. Master of Wine tutor Minette Constant will be teaching the course. Please…
Winevox and their partner Phillips-Hill organised for the 7th year the Crus Bourgeois Official Selection (vintage 2014) for the UK trade and press. It is always a pleasure to see…
Two students who studied WSET Level 3 with Winevox just passed the level 4 Diploma at WSET’s London School where they started the course two years ago.International Sales Directors for…
What a pleasure it was last month to host tastings classes for the Crus Bourgeois du Médoc in California. Over 250 people met throughout the programme from Berkeley University, Stanford…
Winevox are organising the Level 2 of WSET on 26, 27 and 30 November in Bordeaux. This highly recognised qualification will enable you to improve your knowledge on wines of…
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